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INSOLVENT CARRIERS (Carriers in Liquidation)
For questions regarding payment of claims of an insolvent carrier, please contact the Maryland Property & Casualty Insurance Guaranty Corporation (PCIGC). Do NOT implead the PCIGC as a party to the workers' compensation claim.

Maryland Property & Casualty Insurance Guaranty Corporation
305 Washington Avenue, Suite 600
Towson, MD 21204

On November 8, 2023, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware ordered the Liquidation and Injunction Order with Bar Date of Arrowood Indemnity Company. Delaware Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro and her successors in office, if any, are the court-appointed Receivers. The Receiver has appointed Eugene T. Reed, Jr. and James J. Black, III as Deputy Receivers to carry out the responsibilities of the Receiver with respect to the liquidation of Arrowood. The ordered stay of 180 days from November 8, 2023 lifts May 6, 2024. Appeals and further proceedings on issues will be stayed until May 6, 2024.

On November 8, 2023, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware ordered the Liquidation and Injunction Order with Bar Date of Arrowood Indemnity Company. Delaware Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro and her successors in office, if any, (“Commissioner") are the court-appointed Receivers. The Receiver has appointed Eugene T. Reed, Jr. and James J. Black, III as Deputy Receivers to carry out the responsibilities of the Receiver with respect to the liquidation of Arrowood.

Date of Liquidation: 11/8/2023
Stay: Stay Expires: 5/6/2024
Claims Filing Deadline: 1/15/2025

Receiver: Delaware

For more information see Arrowood at

Bevidere Insurance Company

On March 11, 2021, Bevidere Insurance Company (“BIC") was ordered liquidated by the Commonwealth Court in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Jessica K. Altman and her successors in office, if any, (“Commissioner") are the court-appointed Liquidator(s) of BIC.  Affiliated & Merged Companies: ​Lamorak Insurance Company----formerly known as OneBeacon America Insurance Company, Potomac Insurance Company, and Employers Fire Insurance Company.  

Date of Liquidation: 3/11/2021
Stay: Indefinite Claims Filing Deadline: 12/31/2021
Receiver: Pennsylvania

For more informationsee:

Guarantee Insurance Company posted 2/07/18


In accordance with the liquidation order of the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit in and for Leon County, Florida, in the matter of the State of Florida, relator, v. Guarantee Insurance Company, respondent, Case No. 2017 CA 2421, dated November 27, 2017
(link:, all GIC policies are cancelled effective December 27, 2017, unless otherwise terminated prior to that date. In addition, while the processing and payment of pending covered claims are being transitioned by Florida to the appropriate state guaranty associations; Florida also is currently gathering claim files and claims data in order to forward the information to the appropriate Guaranty Associations.

For Maryland policy holders, the appropriate guaranty association is the Maryland Property & Casualty Insurance Guaranty Corporation (PCIGC) (link:

Please note that while PCIGC is being added to current GIC-insured claim files as “other” in order to receive notice of hearings and for processing and payment of pending covered claims, PCIGC is NOT A PARTY and SHOULD NOT BE ADDED AS A PARTY to any GIC-related claim.

For further information, contact PCIGC.

Guarantee Insurance Company

On November 27, 2017, Guarantee Insurance Company ("GIC") was ordered liquidated by the Second Judicial Circuit Court in Leon County, Florida. The Florida Department of Financial Services ("Department") is the court appointed Receiver of GIC.

Date of Liquidation: 11/27/2017
Stay: Indefinite
Claims Filing Deadline: 5/29/2018
Receiver: Florida

For more information see:

CastlePoint National Insurance Company in Conservation

On July 28, 2016, the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco entered an Order Appointing Conservator, in the case entitled Insurance Commissioner of the State of California v. CastlePoint National Insurance Company, Case No. CPF-16-515183 ("Conservation Order"). Pursuant to the Conservation Order, the California Insurance Commissioner has been appointed as the statutory Conservator of CastlePoint National Insurance Company ("CastlePoint"). The Conservation Order authorizes and empowers the Commissioner, through his Conservation & Liquidation Office, to conserve CastlePoint and its assets for the benefit of CastlePoint's claimants, creditors and shareholders, as provided in Sections 1010 through 1062 of the Insurance Code of the State of California.

CastlePoint consists of the following companies that were merged prior to Conservation:

  • CastlePoint National Insurance
  • Company Tower Insurance Company of New York
  • Tower National Insurance Company
  • Hermitage Insurance Company
  • CastlePoint Florida Insurance Company
  • North East Insurance Company
  • Massachusetts Homeland Insurance Company
  • Preserver Insurance Company
  • York Insurance Company of Maine
  • CastlePoint Insurance Company
CastlePoint has filed a petition for an Order of Liquidation with a finding of insolvency against CastlePoint. A copy of the petition is available at The Liquidation hearing is scheduled for March 30, 2017 and the Order of Liquidation is expected to be effective on March 31, 2017. The Liquidation Order will not cause any disruption or delay in the delivery of workers ' compensation wage replacement benefits to injured workers covered under CastlePoint policies. The liquidation order will trigger the activation of affected state insurance guaranty associations where CastlePoint wrote business. These guaranty associations become statutorily obligated to pay covered CastlePoint claims (up to applicable state limits) once a member insurer becomes insolvent.

Date of Liquidation: 3/31/17
Stay: Not Applicable
Receiver: California

Additional information and contacts for the applicable state guaranty associations can be found at

Liquidation and Injunction with Bar Date of Freestone Insurance Company formerly Dallas National Insurance Company

On April 28, 2014, Freestone Insurance Company, formerly Dallas National Insurance Company, a Delaware domestic property and casualty insurance company ('FREESTONE') was ordered into receivership for purposes of rehabilitation by the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware. The Insurance Commissioner of the State of Delaware is the court appointed statutory Receiver of FREESTONE. The Receiver appointed George J. Piccoli as the Deputy Receiver to carry out the responsibilities of the Receiver with respect to the rehabilitation of FREESTONE.

The Receiver has made a determination that failure of FREESTONE to pay workers' compensation claims for indemnity and medical payments during the rehabilitation would cause a hardship to such claimants. Therefore, the Receiver has determined that such payments should continue to be made during the rehabilitation until further notice. Other non-workers' compensation claims will be evaluated for payment in the future.

UPDATE ' Effective 8/15/14, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware found that FREESTONE is insolvent, that further efforts to rehabilitate FREESTONE would be useless, and that an order of liquidation is appropriate pursuant to 18 Del.C. 5905, 5906, and 5910(b). All proceedings in which FREESTONE is obligated to defend a party insured or any other person it is legally obligated to defend by virtue of its insurance contract is stayed for a period of 180 days from 8/15/14. The Liquidation & Injunction Order  also bars any and all claims not filed with the Receiver on or before the close of business December 31, 2015.'

Date of Liquidation: 8/15/14
Bar Date; 12/31/15
Receiver: Delaware

For more information see
Ullico Casualty Company

December 2013
The Stay ordered by the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware in the Ullico Casualty Liquidation proceedings has expired. If there are new issues in dispute, the Commission is now setting these cases in line for a hearing. Please file (or re-file) issues in order to have a case set for hearing before the Commission. For questions regarding payment of claims, please contact the Maryland Property & Casualty Insurance Guaranty Corporation at 305 Washington Avenue, Suite 600, Towson, MD 21204, 410-296-1620, 

Date of Liquidation: 5/30/13
Receiver: Delaware

For more information see:

Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Company
American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company
American Motorists Insurance Company

Date of Liquidation: 5/10/13
Claims Filing Deadline: 11/10/14
Receiver: Illinois

For more information see:

Lumbermen's Underwriting Alliance ('LUA')

May 2016 - The Circuit Court of Cole County, Missouri has declared Lumbermen's Underwriting Alliance ('LUA') insolvent and has ordered the company into liquidation effective May 23, 2016. On May 19, 2015, Lumbermen's Underwriting Alliance, a reciprocal inter-insurance exchange organized under the laws of the State of Missouri ("Lumbermen's"), was ordered into receivership for the purposes of rehabilitation by the Circuit Court of Cole County, Missouri (the "Court"). The Court appointed John M. Huff, Director of the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions & Professional Registration, and his successors in office, as the statutory Receiver of Lumbermen's. U.S. Epperson Underwriting Company, as Attorney-in-Fact for Lumbermen's, consented to the receivership.

Date of Liquidation: May 23, 2016
Stay: Until Further Notice
Bar Date: 5/24/2017
Receiver: Missouri

For more information see:

Frontier Insurance Company

Date of Liquidation: 11/16/12
Bar Date: 12/31/13
Receiver: New York

For more information see: